The rcb command

The rcb command is is basically what this entire project is. It provides useful commands interacting with the compose setup and restic.

The command can be executed inside the container or through run.

# Get the current status using run
$ docker-compose run --rm backup rcb status

# by entering the container
$ docker-compose exec backup sh
/restic-compose-backup # rcb status

Log level can be overridden by using the --log-level flag. This can help you better understand what is going on for example by using --log-level debug.


Displays the version.

Example output:

/restic-compose-backup # rcb version


Shows the general status of our setup. The command is doing the following operations

  • Displays the name of the compose setup
  • Displays the repository path
  • Tells us if a backup is currently running
  • Removes stale backup process containers if the exist
  • Checks is the repository is initialized
  • Initializes the repository if this is not already done
  • Displays what volumes and databases are flagged for backup

Example output:

INFO: Status for compose project 'myproject'
INFO: Repository: '<restic repository>'
INFO: Backup currently running?: False
INFO: --------------- Detected Config ---------------
INFO: service: mysql
INFO:  - mysql (is_ready=True)
INFO: service: mariadb
INFO:  - mariadb (is_ready=True)
INFO: service: postgres
INFO:  - postgres (is_ready=True)
INFO: service: web
INFO:  - volume: media
INFO:  - volume: /srv/files


Sends a test message to all configured alert backends and is there for you to verify that alerts are in fact working and configured correctly.

The format of this message:

subject: myproject: Test Alert
body: Test message


Displays the latest snapshots in restic. This can also be done with restic snapshots.

Example output:

/restic-compose-backup # rcb snapshots
repository f325264e opened successfully, password is correct
ID        Time                 Host          Tags        Paths
19928e1c  2019-12-09 02:07:44  b3038db04ec1              /volumes
7a642f37  2019-12-09 02:07:45  b3038db04ec1              /databases/mysql/all_databases.sql
883dada4  2019-12-09 02:07:46  b3038db04ec1              /databases/mariadb/all_databases.sql
76ef2457  2019-12-09 02:07:47  b3038db04ec1              /databases/postgres/test.sql
4 snapshots


Starts a backup process by spawning a new docker container. The network stack, mounted volumes, env vars etc. from the backup service are copied to this container.

We attach to this container and stream the logs and delete the container with the backup process is completed. If the container for any reason should not be deleted, it will be in next backup run as these containers are tagged with a unique label and detected.

If anything goes wrong the exist status of the container is non-zero and the logs from this backup run will be sent to the user through the configure alerts.

This command is by default called by cron every day at 02:00 unless configured otherwise. We can also run this manually is needed.

Running this command will do the following:

  • Checks if a backup process is already running. If so, we alert the user and abort
  • Gathers all the volumes configured for backup and starts the backup process with these volumes mounted into /volumes
  • Checks the status of the process and reports to the user if anything failed

The backup process does the following:

  • status is first called to ensure everything is ok
  • Backs up /volumes if any volumes were mounted
  • Backs up each configured database
  • Runs cleanup purging snapshots based on the configured policy
  • Checks the health of the repository


$ docker-compose exec backup sh
/restic-compose-backup # rcb backup
INFO: Starting backup container
INFO: Backup process container: loving_jepsen
INFO: 2019-12-09 04:50:22,817 - INFO: Status for compose project 'restic-compose-backup'
INFO: 2019-12-09 04:50:22,817 - INFO: Repository: '/restic_data'
INFO: 2019-12-09 04:50:22,817 - INFO: Backup currently running?: True
INFO: 2019-12-09 04:50:23,701 - INFO: ------------------------- Detected Config -------------------------
INFO: 2019-12-09 04:50:23,701 - INFO: service: mysql
INFO: 2019-12-09 04:50:23,718 - INFO:  - mysql (is_ready=True)
INFO: 2019-12-09 04:50:23,718 - INFO: service: mariadb
INFO: 2019-12-09 04:50:23,726 - INFO:  - mariadb (is_ready=True)
INFO: 2019-12-09 04:50:23,727 - INFO: service: postgres
INFO: 2019-12-09 04:50:23,734 - INFO:  - postgres (is_ready=True)
INFO: 2019-12-09 04:50:23,735 - INFO: service: web
INFO: 2019-12-09 04:50:23,736 - INFO:  - volume: /some/volume
INFO: 2019-12-09 04:50:23,736 - INFO: -------------------------------------------------------------------
INFO: 2019-12-09 04:50:23,736 - INFO: Backing up volumes
INFO: 2019-12-09 04:50:24,661 - INFO: Backing up databases
INFO: 2019-12-09 04:50:24,661 - INFO: Backing up mysql in service mysql
INFO: 2019-12-09 04:50:25,643 - INFO: Backing up mariadb in service mariadb
INFO: 2019-12-09 04:50:26,580 - INFO: Backing up postgres in service postgres
INFO: 2019-12-09 04:50:27,555 - INFO: Forget outdated snapshots
INFO: 2019-12-09 04:50:28,457 - INFO: Prune stale data freeing storage space
INFO: 2019-12-09 04:50:31,547 - INFO: Checking the repository for errors
INFO: 2019-12-09 04:50:32,869 - INFO: Backup completed
INFO: Backup container exit code: 0


Generates and verifies the crontab. This is done automatically when the container starts. It can be user to verify the configuration.

Example output:

/restic-compose-backup # rcb crontab
10 2 * * * source / && rcb backup > /proc/1/fd/1


Purges all snapshots based on the configured policy. (RESTIC_KEEP_* env variables). It runs restic forget and restic purge.

Example output:

/restic-compose-backup # rcb cleanup
2019-12-09 05:09:52,892 - INFO: Forget outdated snapshots
2019-12-09 05:09:53,776 - INFO: Prune stale data freeing storage space


This can only be executed by the backup process container. Attempting to run this command in the backup service will simply tell you it’s not possible.

The backup process is doing the following:

  • status is first called to ensure everything is ok
  • Backs up /volumes if any volumes were mounted
  • Backs up each configured database
  • Runs cleanup purging snapshots based on the configured policy
  • Checks the health of the repository